SSC & SHC : Smart Software and Hybrid Components
We offer Software and Hybrid Components and Services for industry according to the customers specifications and from the latest outputs from research. The SHC (Smart Hybrid Components) contain Hardware and Software – SSC (Smart Software Components) contain only Software.
Each component encompasses :
- Specific capabilities based on a advance optimization algorithm
- A set of interfaces with API for easy integration and interaction
- Customize interfaces for parametrization and tuning
- A product approach with a full documentation and support
- Follow up for evolution according to customers’ expectations and needs
- Continuous improvement according to research progress
Specific Services
We deliver a set of services to fit with our customers’ expectations
- Customize and integrate smartly our SSCs and the SHCs in their environment
- Creation of new SSCs or SHCs on a collaborative way matching innovation road map
- Training and support to innovation transition
- Access to our Uses Cases portfolio
- Customer Support
- User Group Forum and Innovation workshop are organized periodically

SSC Air traffic fast time simulator
Based on Pi-rat, a fast time simulation tools developed in the premises of the French civil aviation school (ENAC) for the needs of air traffic management research.
It is a feature rich tool, based on the well known BADA database from EUROCONTROL and implementing a continuous time point mass model.
- Weather effects are considered using GRIB meteorological data.
- A very accurate taxi model along with the ability to simulate UAVs makes it an integrated traffic simulation tool.
- It is a flexible and scalable tool for Optimisation Research applied to Commercial aviation and Drones (Airspace design, DMA, conflict resolution, safety analysis),
SSC “Complexity”
Volumic Traffic Complexity Assessment & Visualisation
- Based on Information Geometry (IG), this SSC offers a new metric of the traffic complexity based on the traffic organization.
- For a given volume of airspace, it uses the means and covariance matrix of aircraft speed distribution and allows to store the information in vixel.
- The distance between pictures of the complexity of a given airspace can be use for comparing the various situations.
- This SSC could be used for providing the optimization criteria for Airspace design, Dynamic Mobile Operational Areas of Air, Operation design , Drones operations, etc.

G. Mykoniatis, F. Nicol, and S. Puechmorel. A new representation of air traffic data adapted to complexity assessment. In Proceedings of ALLDATA 2018, pages 28–33. IARA, 2018
Le Brigant, A., & Puechmorel, S. (2019). Quantization and clustering on Riemannian manifolds with an application to air traffic analysis. Journal of Multivariate Analysis.
SHC “DroneOps”
This SHC is based on Paparazzi, a complete system of open source hardware and software for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), including both the airborne autopilot as well as complete ground station mission planning and monitoring software utilizing a bi-directional datalink for telemetry and control.
The User’s Gallery and Booz User List show some of the many Paparazzi aircraft.
New added modules are in progress and will be part of our SHC offer soon :
- Geo-fencing
- Geo-caging
- Detect and Avoid

SSC “Delays Propagation”
A new modelling approach
This SSC considers the operation of domestic airlines and more particularly the delay propagation along their operated network. In this SSC is first introduced a modelling approach which allows to assess the consequences of perturbations, in general flight delays, on the operation of the network operated by the airline. An optimization process is introduced so that AIRLINES can update on-line and in a global way their flight schedules by performing optimally in-flight delay absorption. Then an ATC procedure is presented to assign time arrival slots to delayed aircraft according to the value of their network arrival delay index. A similar procedure, run by AIRPORT, is used to assign time departure slots at runway to departing aircraft. The whole process configurates a collaborative decision making (CDM) scheme devoted to managing efficiently network flight delays.

Felix Mora-Camino, Georges Mykoniatis, Li Weigang, Oscar Diaz Olariaga. Network delay multipilers and air traffic management. ROADEF 2017, 18ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision, Feb 2017, Metz, France. ?hal-01651016?
Georges Mykoniatis, Laurent Lapasset, Andrija Vidosavljevic. AN ADAPTATIVE MULTI-AGENT MODEL OF DELAYS PROPAGATION IN THE AIR TRAFFIC SYSTEM. 7th International Conference on Experiments / Process / System Modeling / Simulation / Optimization (7th IC-EpsMsO) , Jul 2017, Athènes, Greece. ?hal-01569254?
SSC “Dynamic operation areas”
A new approach
This SSC proposes multi-constraints optimal identification and design of areas for aeronautic operations (Military, drone…). The research was co-developed with ENAC Research and ONERA with the support of SESAR, DSNA and EUROCONTROL. The algorithms based on neural networks are already in an operational validation status, and they are scalable to any kind of airspace and vehicles.

SHC “MICA Mixed Intelligence for Critical Area”
An open collaborative decision making platform