Strategic Board members

Patrick Lesueur
Patrick Lesueur began his career as IT Engineer in Dassault Group and operated for more than 30 years as Project Manager, Consultant and Business Development Manager in Aeronautical, ATM, Defense and Spatial sectors (Airbus, Thales, CNES, ESA, DGA, DSNA, ENAC and EUROCONTROL).
He founded Veleane in 2013, a Young and Innovative Company specialised in Air Traffic Management, Airport Collaborative Decision Making and Drone activities.
Patrick has been involved in many projects related to Complex Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in the framework of the European Single Sky (SESAR program) and drones integration.
Patrick is a graduated IT Engineer from Paris 6 University and has obtained a certificate in Management at Toulouse Business School.
Patrick joined NeoMetSys in 2019 as CEO to develop synergies between research and industry.

Bruno Lamiscarre
Scientific Director / Asia-Pacific Director
Bruno Lamiscarre is graduated from « Ecole Supérieure d’Optique (SupOptique-1980). Since there, he worked first at Onera in several locations Chatillon, Meudon and Toulouse in France. He has acquired over 16 years in the Physics Scientific Branch a large experience in the domain of sensors within several fields of application: wind tunnel instrumentation, robotics, earth observation, military systems, civil aircraft systems. Since 1997, he has been involved in the field of Airport related research within the frame of the project called « Airport of the future » as the head of this project and also of its sensors work package. He was involved in EU projects in the field of Air Transport System covering UAV, Airports, Automation, Fast time simulation, Security. Since 2007, he was the program manager of IESTA platform development: IESTA is a fast time simulation of the air transport system with particular focus on environmental issues and future ATS concepts. He joined ENAC (Ecole Nationale d’Aviation Civile), the French civil aviation university, in 2010 and until mid 2014, he was the Director for Research, in charge of the development of ENAC research on academics grounds but also towards applications like UAS, ATM and Airports, HIS, Sustainable Air Transport. Since then and until march 2017, he was back at ONERA to take the responsibility of the Systems Control and Flight Dynamics department. The department is focused on control and piloting, monitoring and decision, robotics systems, Human computer interface and Human factors, and System design for aerospace vehicles and systems. The department hosts a large UAV lab equipped with more than 20 rotorcraft and fixed wing drones from 5 to 150 kg MTOW. In the framework of new ONERA organisation in 2017, he took the position of Program Director of the new Air Transport System and Safety Directorate. The mission of the new program directorates is to cover all the application domains of ONERA research, and to develop bottom up and top down applied research and development related to these domains. More specifically, he was coordinating the whole ONERA research activities in the domains of ATM (including UTM), Airport and Avionics Systems.
Since he left ONERA in December 2018, he joined NeoMetSys as Scientific Director and Asia Pacific Director.

Didier Dohy
ATM Expert
Dr Didier Dohy has a PhD of Physical Chemistry (University Paris VI) and a PhD of Physics (University Paris XIII), he studied superionic conductors and DNA’s sugar puckers. In 1992 he moved in the aviation domain, for Thomson SDC (later Thales Air System), in system engineering and technical design of the new generation of Air Traffic Control Centre. He also managed the development of the Thales’ FANS-1 data-link ground demonstrator. In 1997, he moved to the future and advanced study department. Main activities were supporting project teams for pre-sale, specification, engineering and validation in data-link area. He joined NeoSYS in 2000 as R&D Director. He participated to several studies (e.g. SuperSector, Paradigm SHIFT) at EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre (EEC) in Brétigny. He was also product manager of the AudioLAN Voice Communication System (partnership with EEC). Furthermore, he was in charge of the courses for data-link domain and participate to training for E2000 customers (e.g. Egypt, Iran and Sweden). Since 2007, he has been involved in several European projects. He supported the production and maintenance of the Detailed Operational Description documents (DOD) of Episode 3 project, particularly for ATC Research Area. For SESAR I, he was involved in WP.07 for the support to the project manager of the Network federative project (07.02). In SESAR 2020 wave I, he worked for the AAM project (PJ08) as exercise leader (EX08-01-04) and for Content Integration project (PJ19) in the Performance team (PJ19-04) for supporting the production & reviewing process of the Performance Assessment & Gap Analysis Reports (PAGAR). Besides he has also collaborated to the definition and validation of simulation tools (e.g. AirTOP, R-NEST) for EEC.
Didier joined NeoMetSys in 2020 as ATM Expert

Jean-Louis Raoul
Airport Efficiency Expert
He joins NEOSYS in 2001 and is assigned to different missions for Thales, DSNA (French Directorate of Air Navigation Services), Eurocontrol and EUROCAE: In 2004, he is a member of the Eurocontrol team developing Airport-Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) concept. He supports Stockholm Arlanda airport A-CDM project for Eurocontrol and facilitates EUROCAE standardisation work as the secretary of the Working Group 69 dedicated to A-CDM. He is involved in several innovation or standardisation projects for Eurocontrol and EUROCAE.
In 2013 he supports Abu Dhabi A-CDM implementation project with IBG and takes part in the Airport Operations Control Centre (AOCC) project for Riyadh Airport.
Jean-Louis holds the position of Airport Efficiency expert at NeoMetSys.

Marcel Richard
Business Domain Modelling / CDM and ATFCM Expert
Marcel Richard is graduated from ENAC in Toulouse. He gained his First experience in Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) with the strike of the American controllers under Reagan. He joined Eurocontrol in 1991 to draft the Requirements of Eurocontrol Network Management (CFMU) systems. He Initiated Airport CDM integration in network with digital data exchange (Munich and CDG projects).
In FUA (Flexible Use Of Airspace) Marcel participated in modeling and implementation phases of AUP (Airspace Use Plan) validation and repository. Marcel has a strong experience in ATM (Air Traffic Management) and ATFCM (Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management) and was involved in many Research and Development projects in this scope from CASA (1994) to SESAR DCB V3 Live Trial in 2014 as operational coordinator.
Recognized as an expert in Flow and Network Management (NM) concepts and models, Marcel developed strong professional and analytical skills in ATFM, Airports Collaboration Decision Making, FUA and Safety, with a demonstrated history of working in the air navigation/airlines/airport industry.
More recently Marcel was involved in U-Space/UTM and Drone operations Safety Assessment in BVLOS.
Marcel integrated Neometsys as shareholder to provide CDM and ATFCM Expertise and to prepare drones integration in ATM.

Mathematical models and decision-making techniques Expert / South America & Africa Director
Professor Felix Mora-Camino (Graduation and Master in Aeronautical Engineering, Dr.Ing. in Automation and D.Sc. in Operations Research at Toulouse university, working languages : French, Spanish, English and Portuguese).
The general research area of Professor Felix Mora-Camino is Systems Science and his field of interest is multidisciplinary and covers computational tools, mathematical models and decision-making techniques applied to complex systems, whether of a technical nature (design of control and monitoring systems) or economic nature (decision making for planning and operation) with main application in Aeronautics and Air Transportation. He has been active in areas such as control theory, data processing, filtering and hybridization, optimization (geometric programming, dynamic programming, bi-level programming), fuzzy modeling and control control, neural networks, heuristics and metaheuristics…
Professor Felix Mora-Camino has been a technical expert for the French Foreign Ministry (Brazil and Morocco) and the French ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) as well as the European Community (Transport and Energy-DGTRAN).
Professor Felix Mora-Camino has published about 50 papers in international journals and has advised or co-advised about 40 PhD thesis.
Professor Felix Mora-Camino was for 30 years professor of Avionics and Control Theory at ENAC. He has also teaching experience in Europe (CNAM, SUPAERO and ENSICA in France, EASA in Germany and UPN, UPS in Spain), Africa (UCAD and ESP in Senegal, ASECNA in Niger and ERA in Morocco, AIMS in CapeTown and DUT, Durban, south Africa), South America (UST and UTS in Colombia and UFRJ, UFF and ITA in Brazil) and Asia (KMUTT in Thailand and CAUC in China). Retired from ENAC and back in Brazil since 2018, Professor Felix Mora-Camino teaches Operations Research in the Department of Production Engineering at Fluminense Federal University-UFF. He continues as a research associate with the ENAC optimization team in Toulouse, he is also an adjunt staff with the Systems Science Institute of the University of Durban in South Africa.
Felix integrated Neometsys end of 2019 as Scientific Expert. Located in Brazil and South Africa, Felix is in charge of the development of academic and industrial partnerships in those countries.

Marinos Kardaris
Technical Expert
Marinos KARDARIS, Senior Software Engineer, graduated as systems engineer with Master degree in Electronic & Electrical Engineering at National Technical University of Athens. He worked for the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) for 28 years, holding the position of General Director of the Hellenic Air Navigation Service Provider from 2008 to 2010. He also worked in the R&D Department of HCAA, in the field of prototype systems design for air traffic control (radars, rdps, fdps) and airport facilities (cdm,cute,hbs).From 2013 he holds the position of Chief Visionary Officer (CVO) in Future Intelligence. His career is a proven track record both as Manager and as Systems Engineer. Recently he was involved in series of European projects for system enablement with IoT, RPAS and U-Space. Indicative Skills on software development: ADA, C, C++, C#, Java/JScript, Visual Basic, SQL, TCL/TK, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP, CSS, HTML5, XML. Member of EUROCAE WG93 for RPAS 2011 and UVS International. Also as permanent member of IFATSEA (International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations) was participated as aviation expert in many SESAR validation and large-scale demonstrations programs (e.g Remote Tower for Multiple Airports) and other EU , EASA and Eurocontrol committees.
Marinos Joined NeoMetSys in 2019 as Technical Expert

Georges Mykoniatis
Business and Strategy Advisor
With a master of physics from Marseille University and an engineering level from Telecom Strasbourg in France, Georges started his career in signal processing in the naval sub-maritime domain. In 1993 he entered the aviation domain in the specification and later validation of large Air traffic control systems for Thomson SDC (later Thales Air Systems). In 1996 he joined the Flight Data Research team at EUROCONTROL to work on trajectory prediction improvement on the ground using on-board data, and also on the introduction of RVSM (Reduction of Vertical Separation Minima). In 1998 Georges incorporated NEOSYS and in 2003 with Metron Aviation NeoMetSys, Both entities participated actively in the Collaborative Decision Making research activities in Europe. From 2007 to 2009, he worked on the definition of the SESAR program as well as the selection of the work program by the members. In 2010 and 2011 he participated within Thales Air Systems to the COOPANS System deployment. Georges joined ENAC in 2011 as the head of Research Business Development and there he participates in the positioning and evolution of ENAC research worldwide. Since 1998, Georges has participating in and supported EUROCAE.
Georges takes the position of Business and Strategy advisor at NeoMetSys.
SMEs Strategic Partnership

Collaborative Tools Airport CDM and drones

Software Development – SSC & SHC

Intactile Designs
Digital interfaces

Synthetic Environment / Solution finder for physics based sensor simulation